What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive treatment that encourages the brain to develop healthier patterns of activity. The goal of treatment is not only to change how you think and feel, but also to change your brain on a biological level for better functioning. The process of Neurofeedback starts with a QEEG Brain Scan.

At the root of all our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors is the communication between neurons within our brains. Brainwaves are produced by synchronized electrical pulses from masses of neurons communicating with each other.

There are 5 major brain waves in which each one inspires a different state in the brain. The dysregulation of these waves is what causes

The process of Neurofeedback starts with a QEEG brain scan.

QEEG Brain Map

Quantitative Electroencephalogram, also known as a QEEG brain map, is an assessment of the electrical activity of the brain (brainwaves) using a multi-electrode recording device connected to a computer. This procedure allows the clinician to take a comprehensive ‘picture’ of how your brain is functioning. A brain map shows precisely how our brain affects our cognitive, executive, emotional, and behavioral responses.

During the roughly one-hour process, a remarkable amount of data is recorded and analyzed. In fact, over 100 points of data are being recorded every second of the QEEG assessment. Once analyzed, this gives the Enhanced Edge team extraordinary insight into your brain and a map is created that not only tells us where you are now…but more importantly it lays out a specific road to follow to make incremental, but massive change in how the brain functions. Below is an example of what the initial recording looks like. All the lines below are a brain firing the different neurons and producing various brain waves. A trained clinician eye can tell the difference, but you don’t have to worry about that part.

The brain map is broken down into deviation maps that show specific wave concentrations and their exact deviations from “normal”. The image to the right is showing the marker for depression - specifically, this is the Alpha wave brain map. So when Alpha waves are excessively dominant in the right frontal lobe, the client most likely exhibits signs of depression.

Neurofeedback Training

Using your QEEG results, we design Neurofeedback training protocols for improvement and correction. Depending on your treatment plan, you may be asked to watch images on a screen, listen to music, or play a video game. As you engage in this simple activity, we monitor your brainwaves and set targeted training parameters using a specialized brain mapping software. Below is an example of what a typical Neurofeedback session would look like from the perspective of the provider.

When you engage in neurofeedback, you actually get to see a visual representation of the power and flow of your brainwave patterns in real time as your brain responds to the images, sounds, or game you’re presented with. If you’re watching a movie, for example, the screen will become brighter and louder when your brain produces favorable brainwave patterns. When it produces less harmonious brainwave patterns, the screen dims and the sound quiets.

This instantaneous feedback helps your brain learn, on a subconscious level, what it needs to do to make the screen brighter. Over time, your brain figures out how to develop and sustain the helpful brainwave patterns that keep the screen active — and promote healthier thoughts and behaviors.

As your brain continues to subconsciously practice efficiency, coordination, and balance, your brainwaves gradually improve and you get better at controlling your thoughts and actions. Like any new skill, neurofeedback therapy works over time, through reinforcement and repetition.

What Can Neurofeedback Treat?

  • Headaches

  • Memory problems

  • Pain management

  • PTSD

  • Schizophrenia

  • Sleep problems

  • Traumatic brain injury/concussions

  • PMS


  • Addictions

  • Anxiety

  • Autism spectrum disorder

  • Behavioral disorders

  • Bipolar disorder

  • Chronic pain

  • Depression

Is Neurofeedback Right For Me?

Complete our pre-screening form to see if Neurofeedback is right for you. Someone from the Enhanced Edge team will reach out in 24-48 business hours.



What are the risks with neurofeedback?

In over 50 years of usage, no long-term negative effects have ever been identified with neurofeedback training. Sometimes a person may notice a short-term increase in symptoms as the brain adjusts to a new pattern. This increase in symptoms usually goes away rapidly on its own or can be minimized easily by a trained clinician’s adjustment of the treatment protocol.

How many sessions does it take to see results?

Changes to the brain typically happen slowly and over time. For that reason, it can take many sessions to achieve long-term changes in symptoms and brain functioning. Like all forms of exercise and therapy, it’s best to do neurofeedback training on a regular schedule, usually 2-3 times a week.

-To determine response to treatment: Most systems may take between 10 - 20 sessions before a patient can tell if treatment is helping.

-To consolidate long-term benefits: 30-40 sessions are typically recommended for all systems. For more complicated conditions such as autism, other developmental delays, and brain injury, more sessions may be needed.

Are neurofeedback training results long lasting?

Yes. In the same way you learned a new skill like driving a car, our patients finish their treatment regimen and do not typically need to return. However, some people opt to continue periodically as a “tune-up” or return later on to address new challenges.

Does brain mapping for neurofeedback interefere with current medications?

No. We encourage you to continue taking any medications recommended by your physician. Over time, we will work with you and your prescribing physician to determine if you may be able to reduce or eliminate medications, based on your results.

Can neurofeedback eliminate the need for medications?

Yes. After undergoing neurofeedback training you may find you need less medication or are able to discontinue it altogether, in concert with your physician.

Can I do neurofeedback even if I am in Mental Health Counseling treatment?

Definitely yes! Neurofeedback can be a powerful adjunct to psychotherapy but is not a replacement for it. As the brain begins to function better through neurofeedback training, emotional and behavioral issues can be easier to resolve with psychotherapy. We encourage all our clients to seek the best care available for their individual situations.

What ages can benefit from neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback can help adults of any age and children as young as three.

How much does neurofeedback cost?

When it comes to the brain, every brain is different, and every case is unique. Generally speaking, brain training sessions are comparable to or less than the average cost of counseling or other therapies. The QEEG cost is separate from the Neurofeedback sessions and is required in order to build a treatment plan.

Visit our pricing page for more general information.

Is neurofeedback covered by insurance?

Enhanced Edge does not accept insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid, and we request payment at the time of service.

However, some insurers do reimburse for our services, but reimbursement depends on your plan and whether it offers out-of-network coverage for behavioral health. If so, we encourage you to file a claim (we are an out-of-network facility). Feel free to contact us if you have any questions on the reimbursement process.

Enhanced Edge offers interest free financing options through the CARE Credit Healthcare credit card. Please contact us for more information.